What We Do
![Fall River Homeless Service Providers](https://www.fallriverhomeless.com/fall_river_homeless_service/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/door.jpg)
Mission Statement
The Fall River Homeless Service Providers Coalition’s (HSPC) mission is to work towards eradicating homelessness (both chronic and in general, families and individuals), to improve access to mainstream resources, to assist in the transition through the Continuum of Care, to provide supportive services to help maintain housing, to prevent discharge to the streets and to employ a quality Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) that accurately tracks and counts the homeless. The HSPC seeks to provide quality of life to the formerly homeless and empower them to live as independently as possible.
The Fall River HSPC is open to anyone with an interest in becoming involved in addressing and working to diminish the problem of homelessness in Fall River.
The membership strives to include a variety of people to represent homeless service providers, faith-based groups, administrative staff of the City of Fall River, local businesses, substance abuse and mental health service providers, law enforcement, schools, hospitals and other healthcare providers, elected officials, consumers and/or former consumers, real estate professionals, and representatives of specific populations such as veterans, elderly, and youth.
The City of Fall River and the Continuum of Care, more specifically Fall River Homeless Service Providers Coalition’s (HSPC), share the common goal of creating a quality continuum of effective, coordinated services and safe, decent and affordable housing that will transition homeless people from instability to independence. The various affiliates that make up Fall River’s HSPC are well-representative of the community. By utilizing existing relationships and accessing other community groups and business leaders, Fall River’s Continuum of Care strategy to end and prevent chronic and other homelessness has strengthened. The providers work diligently to access state and federal funds to address Fall River’s needs identified in Fall River’s Five Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans.
- The City and the HSPC establish appropriate goals and actions to address the identified issues.
- Specific committees/task forces are formed to examine each issue and propose potential solutions.
- Performance measures are used to ascertain the impacts of services on clients and the community and to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs.
- The HSPC Code of Conduct has been developed to set standards for decision-making process, allocation of funding and other resources and to effect fair and impartial policies and procedures. It also establishes the responsibilities of the HSPC and its members to accomplish the focus of the HSPC’s mission.
For complete information about Fall River HSPC membership, organizational structure and processes please see our By-Laws (PDF).